Taylor Swift wants the world to know that she’s going on all out about her life in her latest music album and if that means discussing some very personal issues with the world, then so be it.
The leading celeb had plenty of people talking when she referred to herself as a functional alcoholic who struggled with her drinking habits during the latest duet with artist Post Malone.

She even speaks about how no one noticed and just that thought was a baffling one for her until she changed her esthetic and returned to normal again. But again, the star keeps fans in suspense throughout the tune.

While the artist does not dig down deep into why her drinking got so out of control, it’s quite evident that a lot of that has to do with the mere fact that she was trying hard to ‘find herself’ before the Eras Tour but after she did, she quit immediately and was able to return to the likes of no drinking freedom.

“Doing that show with a hungover, I never wished the world to know”- the celeb sings in her latest Fortnight song which is getting plenty of rave reviews and is also much love and appreciation from the masses. Some feel the star is trying way too hard to get people’s attention by bringing out such topics including how she let her guard down and buried her sadness with alcohol.