President Biden has been very open about his struggles recently including the disaster that went down at the recently held Presidential debate.
It was clear that the Republicans had the stronger candidate as Biden failed to impress on more than one occasion.

What’s interesting is how the President agreed that he did not perform at his level best but vowed to come back stronger than ever.
In the meantime, the country’s head of state has just confirmed that he did undergo a medical checkup right after the debate.

This is where he was ruled fit and was told to sleep more and work less during the night time to ensure he was fresh and ready to take on a new day and the challenges that brought with it.
The Democrats were seen panicking after Biden’s performance and many felt perhaps Kamala Harris or another candidate would be a better selection to represent the party after the disaster debate.

Yesterday, two leading members of the party called upon the President to withdraw from the upcoming elections to ensure the party retained their majority.
But Biden has shunned all claims about his exit, adding how he was not going anywhere and would fight until the end.