It’s not uncommon for brides and grooms to go crazy with their wedding rules, especially when it comes to guests arriving at the event.
But one bride is being shamed online for confession through the online platform Reddit how she ended up kicking out one of her guests who opted to show up to the military event in a uniform.

The bride explained how much she feared anyone arriving at the ceremony and stealing her thunder. She barred people from wearing white or any other obnoxious design that would grab attention.

But what she forgot to mention was no military uniforms were allowed too. Therefore, when one of her guests decided to report straight from duty in military attire, he was bashed to such an extent that he was shown the door.

The moment was captured by other guests too who felt the bride was being unreasonable with her demands and for him to show up in the first place despite his hectic job should be applauded instead of ridiculed.

Despite family members and her own husband’s persistence, she refused to listen and just told him to get out. As per her statements, she felt that he was trying to show off and when people started to stop and stare and question who he was, she started to get intimidated and therefore says she was left with no other choice.