Paris Hilton was seen setting off alarm bells for a few parents who viewed TikTok videos of her swimming with her one-year-old son.
Little Phoenix and his mother enjoyed some fun in the sun inside the pool. However, not all mothers appreciate the security and safety measures in place for the children.

Many netizens were quick to speak about how the child had his life jacket on backward and that meant he was not protected. Seeing Paris Hilton be there and not notice that was another serious concern for a lot of people.
“You have to be blind to not see something like that. I mean who does that?”- another person went on to add.

And just like that, the hate comments came in full throttle and Paris had a hard time dealing with all the criticism, just like that she received when she put her baby boy and girl inside car seats in an unsafe manner.
“Can someone please tell her how to put a life jacket on? She needs a lot of training”- another troll commented.

In the footage, little Phoenix can be seen splashing around and having an absolute blast. But that might not be the case with furious others who don’t think Paris is capable of being a great mom just yet.