They say love is blind and when you’re in a relationship, you tend to excuse plenty of flaws belonging to others.
And if that means looking past age, then so be it. Keeping that same theme in mind, this next story about a couple is bound to blow your mind.

They’ve managed to look past their 21-year age difference and go about minding their own business to find love in a whole new manner. And it’s safe to say that from dating to engagement, they’ve managed to finally tie the knot, despite many people’s reservations.

The mom of four has blatantly admitted how she felt so upset by how people stare at her and assume she’s his adopted grandmother. They make all sorts of judgments including perhaps how he married her for money.

“It feels like I have won a major lottery. I think the great thing about us is that we were more keen now than ever to make things work. And that age gap just goes on creating passion at the end of it all”- she explained.

He’s fit, smart, vital, and beautiful, not to mention even more handsome in pictures, she chuckled. And so far, they’re enjoying life as much as possible.