Melissa McCarthy is taking Meghan Markle’s back and acting like the wonderful friend that she has called herself.
The star from the hit movie ‘The Bridesmaids’ is now perplexed and very dismayed over the vicious barrage of hate that’s being hinted in her direction.

She says that it makes her so upset that she and every single person in this world tend to attack her for no reason. She always says that women should lead by example and lift others up but in this case, the opposite seems to be taking place and she’s not loving it.

“People throwing hate at her are just so jealous. They feel so threatened by her presence and that’s not okay. When will this end, Meghan is a trooper for putting up with so much and yet choosing to stay silent for her mental peace”- the celeb continued.

McCarthy added how the Duchess is a wonderful individual and she’s so glad to know this ‘awesome’ human being. The pair last caught up for an intimate lunch to celebrate Meghan’s 40th birthday. She also likes to joke around with the star and her leading position.