Teen Slams His Bedroom Door So Dad Cuts His Door in Half to Teach Him a Lesson

As a teenager, we tend to make all sorts of mistakes and some have to do with the growing-up phase that we might be experiencing during that moment in time.

But one young man learned his lesson from a strict father the hard way and now he’s sharing the ordeal with the world.

Source: TikTok

Think along the lines of being disrespectful to your father and slamming the door in his face while he tries to have a heated discussion with you regarding something imperative. Things went from bad to worse and when the teen slammed the door, he did not realize what the consequences of his actions would be.

Source: Vine

The father chose to teach him a lesson the hard way by cutting his bedroom door in half. This meant bidding farewell to privacy forever and leaving him in ruins for months. So today, his door is gone, not entirely but it’s to such an extent that he couldn’t regret this more.

Source: Kids Spot

It’s safe to say that he would never slam the door in front of is parents again or until he’s got enough savings in that pocket to go and buy a new door and the additional costs of installation that come with it.

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