They say common sense and courtesy are something seriously lacking in today’s generation and this story seems to revolve around that theme.
One woman says she was baffled at the disrespect she was shown while traveling on a packed train. Despite being heavily pregnant with a very visible baby bump, she was not given any priority by passengers while on the journey.

The woman says for ten minutes, all she did was stand and stand and stand, hoping someone would be courteous enough to realize that she needed to be seated as compared to others who appeared more healthy.

But the matter has sparked a serious debate online with others feeling she might be acting too privileged to demand such acts from strangers whom she had no idea about.

“This is a class example of what entitled behavior appears like. People need to realize that everyone is fighting a battle that they’ve got zero knowledge about. So a little kindness can go a long way”- one viewer mentioned after the story was shared anonymously on the Reddit app.
Another did feel that pregnant women should be a top priority but the fact that someone did move meant that common sense is not lacking. What do you think? Who is in the wrong here?